Rihanna Finally Removed Drake from Her Top 8

Drake has been thirsting after Rihanna since the beginning of time. They’ve had an on-again/off-again, dating/friends with benefits relationship since 2005. It’s possible Drake is still hitting her up during the midnight hours.

But Rihanna isn’t responding.

“We don’t have a friendship now, but we’re not enemies either,” Rihanna told Vogue. “It is what it is.”

The iciness in their relationship stems from the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards incident. Rihanna was on hand to accept the Video Vanguard Award. Drake was the presenter. Here’s what happened:

“The VMAs is such a fan-focused awards show, so having that energy around me, and knowing the people who had received the award in the past, made it feel like a big deal,” she says. “Waiting through that speech was probably the most uncomfortable part. I don’t like too many compliments; I don’t like to be put on blast.”

If she thought waiting through the speech was bad, the kiss Drake goes for gets extremely awkward. He wants a full-on makeout session and she just want the cheek peck. Drake is that dude at the sports game who proposes, knowing his future wife will have to say yes because thousands are watching. Except his future wife is Rihanna and she doesn’t give a damn about breaking his heart on television.

Rihanna is currently in love with Saudi businessman Hassan Jameel. Drake is trying to fight basketball players.

Note to Drake. Kendrick Perkins would shut you down worse than Rihanna.

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