Seriously, what is it with the Kardashian women and their affinity for choosing jackasses as partners?
A few months ago, when Kanye West was having his usual outburst of verbal diarrhea, he made this statement on the subject of slavery:
“When you hear about slavery for 400 years — for 400 years?! That sounds like a choice. Like you was there for 400 years, and it’s all of y’all? It’s like, we’re mentally imprisoned.”
This statement caused significant outrage and there was quite the kerfuffle throughout the Internet. I think it’s safe to assume that Kanye is not the thinking before speaking type. There doesn’t seem to be any funnel between his brain and his mouth (yes, I know the man has an actual mental illness, but if he is still willfully not doing anything about it, he’s still a dickhead).
However, Kim Kardashian now insists that her husband didn’t really say that, or he may have said something, but that wasn’t what he meant. She had this to say in an interview with TMZ Live.
“Kanye’s slavery comment, he never said that. That was just the headline. If you listen to what he said, he said ‘slavery was 400 years. If it’s going to be another 400 years, that sounds like a choice to me.’ He didn’t say ‘slavery is a choice.’ He was saying if you’re going to still be enslaved for another 400 years, then that’s some bullshit.”
That…that makes no sense whatsoever. Kim, I know you’re trying to stand by your man, but the only bullshit I’m smelling right now is your piss-poor excuse for your husband’s idiotic comments.
Kim continued to try and feebly explain Kanye’s dumbass behavior:
“When he gets ramped up, he can’t control what he says, he can’t let it go. He loves being ramped up. He’s like ‘I feel powerful when I’m ramped up. I don’t want to be so suppressed. Yeah, I say crazy s**t but I’ve always said crazy s**t. That’s why I’m Kanye.’”
Kim, you just described the average two-year-old child. “He can’t control what he says.” “He loves being ramped up.” “He doesn’t want to be suppressed.” Yeah, this is how toddlers act when they’re still learning how to be human beings. This is not the behavior you should find acceptable in a 41-year-old man. And you should recognize this behavior because you have three small children at home! Well, actually, scratch that. As long as Kanye is off his meds, you will have four small children.
Amped up = manic