Lisa Huffman and her twin sister Jessica Origliasso are better known as Australian pop duo The Veronicas, named for Winona Ryder’s character in the 80s cult film Heathers. Lisa just got married and a few days after the wedding, someone sent her an… interesting edible arrangement. It’s an edible chocolate penis from a company called Dicks by Mail that comes with the caption “Eat a Dick” on the inside of the box. The company also sells a bag of gummy dicks with the message “Eat a Bag of Dicks.” Charming.
Huffman posted and later deleted a picture and explanation on Instagram.
Here’s the text of the deleted post, via Oh No The Didn’t!:
I am choosing to speak out & put this here in hopes to disempower the person who has continued to torment me and my family for the past 2 years.
This might come as a shock. But I am choosing to speak out publicly because I want other people going through anything like this to know they are not alone. Harassment, intimidation, bullying & abuse is not okay. Just because I haven’t spoken out about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It’s dangerous to one’s wellbeing to continue to endure private and public harassment, while being viewed as “attention seeking” for speaking out.
This package showed up addressed to me days after my wedding. And is just one of the countless ways this person has chosen to intimidate, harass (and now sexually harass) and hurt me. I want to make it clear that this has been happening exclusively over the past 2 years. Publicly & not so publicly, anonymously & not so anonymously.
From floods of abuse via texts, emails, a shocking amount of fake social media accounts having the same unprovoked episodic tirade of abuse, created purely to leave hate, spread lies about me, and defame my character and name.
My social pages and emails have been relentlessly hacked. It’s hard to fathom this type of harmful & obsessive behaviour.
Why am I writing this publicly? Because I won’t be compliant in silence anymore. The person knows time is up. They have taken protection in their celebrity & social platform for long enough.
I stayed quiet for concern for my sister’s safety in the presence of this person, but that is being handled on a legal platform now.
A year ago I gave legal written notice to this person to cease the harassment and defamation. It changed only to a private platform, and hidden harassment. And before anyone wants to doubt my integrity or say this is for publicity – understand I gain nothing out of this situation.
My sister, my Mum’s health, my career & my relationship deserve protection now. I will not stand by while people protect and placate an abuser’s public reputation at the expense of mine and my family’s safety & peace.
For anyone going through this too, never be afraid to speak up. And please seek help. God is watching.
Now, we have no way of knowing who sent this or what the story is, but Lisa’s twin sister has previously had a very public run-in with her former partner Ruby Rose on Instagram. Rose left a comment on a picture of Origliasso and her new partner last month, seemingly giving a supportive congratulations.
Here’s how Origliasso replied, via Hollywood Tattletale:
@rubyrose I have requested you not contact me for over 4 months now. You have been given my grace of being ignored on every other private platform, so the fact you continue to ignore this to contact me here publicly under the guise of wishing me well, is continued harassment.
Yikes. Rose claimed it was “news to her,” but this whole family is terrified of someone.