Harvey Weinstein to Get 24-Hour Surveillance So He Doesn’t ‘Kill Himself’ like Jeffrey Epstein ‘Killed Himself’

Just yesterday Rose McGowan said she still doesn’t feel safe from Harvey Weinstein and wishes he would just cease to exist. It seems like she might get her wish as prison officials at Rikers’ Island have said they’re worried than Weinstein might kill himself like Jeffrey Epstein did.

That’s a fucking mob message if I’ve ever heard one, I think someone is on Paul Sorvino’s payroll.

Here’s what TMZ reportedly heard from prison insiders.

High-ranking officials at NYC’s Department of Corrections tell TMZ … there’s anxiety running through the ranks about another “Epstein Incident” and the scrutiny that would follow if HW offed himself on their watch, which is why an action plan is in place.

Can you imagine how heartbroken Mike Bloomberg would be losing two of his closest friends in such a similar manner so close together? He would probably try to buy a second presidency to get his mind off of it.

Once he’s there and all checked in, our sources say HW will probably get his own cell with round-the-clock surveillance cameras watching his every move. And, when he’s out walking around, we’re told he’ll have DOC officials escorting him.

They don’t want to invite the same sort of scrutiny Epstein’s death brought, so the Department off Corrections is already trying to have Weinstein shipped somewhere else for his time in prison.

In fact, we’re being told people at NYC’s DOC don’t even want Harvey as a prisoner — we’re told he’s seen as a huge risk, and there are talks of trying to ship him elsewhere.

They’re going to find this dude half-decapitated with a stack of director’s cut blu rays sticking out of his throat. They call it a Miyazaki Necktie.

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