So Pete Davidson Was Kind Of a Dick to Cazzie David Before They Broke Up

I don’t get Pete Davidson’s appeal. I suppose he must be a nice guy because Bill Burr seems to like him, but I don’t find him funny, charming or attractive, and that makes it really hard to figure out exactly how he’s been dating a who’s who of models and other beautiful celebrities.

One of those women was Cazzie David, who Pete dated right up until the second he started dating Ariana Grande when the two had a fight. Here’s how E! reports that breakup went down.

Cazzie dated Pete for two and a half years before they went their separate ways in 2018. According to Cazzie, she broke up with Pete following a relationship of ups and downs, but called him back days later to say she made a mistake. Cazzie claimed that he told her he was “happier than he’d ever been” and dumped her officially via text two days after that. Just one day after their split, the writer told The Los Angeles Times that she found out he was with Ariana, and saw via social media that he had covered up the tattoos he got in honor of Cazzie during their relationship. Pete would go on to get matching tattoos with the “Positions” singer.

Pete really needs to stop with the tattoos, you’d think he’d be embarrassed enough by the Hillary Clinton and Ruth Bader Ginsberg tattoos to just stop forever. Dude is just going to be solid blue eventually. Also, is it just me or does Pete kind of sound like a dick here? I mean, more than he does normally. I get being hurt by a fight with your partner, but immediately jumping into the next relationship is never a good look. When you can measure the amount of time between your last relationship and your new relationship in hours, everyone is going to think you’re the asshole.

Meanwhile, Cazzie seemed to take it very hard considering it was Pete Davidson she broke up with.

Cazzie shared that the experience was extremely painful to her, and that she “shook uncontrollably” in her dad’s arms while on a flight to her sister’s graduation shortly after hearing about Pete and Ariana. She couldn’t stop replaying the “audio of [Ariana’s] baby voice whispering sweet nothings in his ear, dubbed over his past declarations of love” to her.

Cazzie’s dad is Larry David, co-creator of Seinfeld and star of Curb Your Enthusiasm. His response was, typically of Larry David, to tell her “Cazzie, come on! Your ancestors survived the Holocaust!”

Cazzie said how close she and Pete are now, but I think we can all agree she can do better. I mean, who couldn’t?

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