Congressman Wants Britney Spears to Testify on Capitol Hill

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Britney Spears’ conservatorship is on the minds of a lot of people recently. Is Spears really in such dire condition mentally that she’s unable to decide how to live her life or be trusted with her own money? If she doesn’t want her father Jamie to be her conservator, why is she having so much trouble having him removed?

Republican congressmen Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan would like Britney to talk about her conservatorship to the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.

It might sound crazy or like a stunt, but I think they’re actually trying to do something good here and for the right reasons. Here’s what they said in the letter they wrong to Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nader asking for the hearing, via NBC News.

“The House Committee on the Judiciary is charged with safeguarding the rights affording to Americans by the U.S. Constitution. These rights include having the free will to guide one’s own affairs and the legal autonomy over one’s own finances. When situations suggest the unjust deprivation of those rights by the government, we have an obligation to conduct oversight and explore potential remedies,” the letter states.

“In recent years, there has been growing public concern about the use of conservatorships to effectively deprive individuals of personal freedoms at the behest of others through the manipulation of the courts,” the letter, submitted on Mar. 8, continues.

“The most striking example is perhaps the case of multi-platinum performing artist Britney Spears,” Gaetz and Jordan write.

It’s understandable that some people are stricken with such debilitating problems that they really do need someone to manage their affairs for them. But I really question if Britney Spears or Amanda Bynes are among them, and if the courts would think they need conservators if they had the exact same issues but were poor.

A conservatorship is a serious thing and should only be used as a last resort when it’s absolutely necessary, and there should probably be mandatory evaluations every six months with an eye towards ending the conservatorship to make sure people don’t end up stuck in them when they don’t need to be.

And honestly, good for Representatives Gaetz and Jordan for taking this issue up.

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