Leslie Jones is Reportedly Really Kicking Up a Feud With Much Funnier Comic Anthony Jeselnik

Seth Meyers

Anthony Jeselnik is one of the funniest stand-up comics working today. His humor is dark and hilarious, kind of like Sarah Silverman before she decided she wanted to be nice.

Jeselnik has the ability to deliver one-liners as funny as Mitch Hedberg and Steven Wright, but the jokes he writes are much darker and take on topics other comics either can’t or won’t. And his material is also so much smarter than a shock-jock lime Howard Stern, I just can’t say enough good things about it.

Leslie Jones apparently hates him because he wouldn’t give up a spot in a show for her once and she’s still trying to screw him over because of it.

I mean, she can also claim to be not-PC but I don’t think she’s quite showing the same level of talent in what’s more a homophobic rant about not getting laid than a stand-up routine. If this feud was based on who is funnier then it would be no contest.

Here’s what happened between the two according to Page Six. Jeselnik told a story about getting bigfooted at a comedy club by a more famous comic who not only intentionally took his spot but refused to introduce him after their set.

“Within five minutes [of their set], I understand what has happened to me,” he said on the “Jeselnik and Rosenthal Vanity Project,” adding, “They are not doing [five to ten minutes] and that they are going to go as long as they can, strictly to f–k with me — strictly to big-time me.”

Jeselnik said that management at the club, Supernova Comedy, told him the anonymous comic had even refused to introduce him before his set.

“The exact phrase was, ‘They don’t think they can introduce you with enthusiasm,’” he said, adding, “Which means that not only am I getting bumped, but I don’t get to go next. Someone else has to go after that [so they can introduce me onstage]. So I’m going almost an hour later.”

He mentioned that when this unnamed comic started doing crowd work after running out of material he just gave the club back his paycheck and left.

Jeselnik didn’t say who this comic was, but it’s not a huge mystery; people went to a show to see Jeselnik and then saw another comic do like, 40 minutes, and those people have Reddit accounts.

Everyone saw jeselnik at the venue while walking in so we knew he was there. Leslie Jones is a surprise guest in the middle. She does some material for the first 15 mins, big red light comes on, then she just starts doing crowd work for the next 25 minutes. Slow walking through crowd picking on people. Light is blinking, goes off, back on. I can see multiple comics in the back flashing their phone lights to get her attention. Some walking over to see if the main light is working. Finally gets the f**k off. Then two more comics. Show is already long by 30 minutes, Orny Adams is on and I’m feeling like it’s not gonna happen. So I went to ask the host if jeselnik was gonna be going on. First she says jeselnik had an emergency and had to leave, then tells me the above story. I ask if we can get refunds. She says no but then later says maybe a partial discount if you book tickets to see jeselnik next weekend because he’ll be back lol. I leave unhappy. Tickets were like $47 apiece plus two item minimum. Paid about $160 with parking.

Edit: I requested a refund via eventbrite of ticket prices only and received it.

Leslie Jones doesn’t really look good here. But if I were her and I was telling the jokes she tells, I wouldn’t want to be in the same show as Anthony Jeselnik either.

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