Bill Gates Was Reported Constantly Trying to Sleep With His Employees, Constantly Being Rejected

Before she and Bill Gates were married, Melinda Gates was a Microsoft employee. It turns out that she’s also one of the only woman in the entire company who didn’t laugh in the boss’s face when he asked her on a date.

The New York Times reported that Gates had a reputation for asking women out and being shot down.

In 2006, for example, he attended a presentation by a female Microsoft employee. Mr. Gates, who at the time was the company’s chairman, left the meeting and immediately emailed the woman to ask her out to dinner, according to two people familiar with the exchange.

“If this makes you uncomfortable, pretend it never happened,” Mr. Gates wrote in an email, according to a person who read it to The New York Times.

The woman was indeed uncomfortable, the two people said. She decided to pretend it had never happened.

Whatever the opposite of big dick energy is, Bill Gates exudes it from every pore.

Six current and former employees of Microsoft, the foundation and the firm that manages the Gates’s fortune said those incidents, and others more recently, at times created an uncomfortable workplace environment. Mr. Gates was known for making clumsy approaches to women in and out of the office. His behavior fueled widespread chatter among employees about his personal life.

The only thing more embarrassing than a New York Times story about how you cheated on your wife is a story about how you were constantly trying to cheat on your wife and we’re constantly getting rejected.

Of course, Gates allegedly did have a sexual relationship with at least one female Microsoft staffer, who is probably pretty embarrassed about it considering everyone else in the company rejected the guy she was sleeping with.

I mean, we’ve all seen Bill Gates, how hard up do you have to be to sleep with that guy when you’re not going to marry him for his money?

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