Dina Lohan, mother of Lindsay Lohan, invites ET on her trip to reunite with her daughter in rehab. Dina chastises tabloids for fabricating stories about Lindsay and says “someone has to stop the madness and lies.” I think that would be Dina. She then goes on to give a sob story about her daughter.
“I’m so proud of her for making that step, under a microscope — bettering herself and still wanting to continue to work,” Dina says of Lindsay’s decision to enter rehab. “I wanted her to not work, but she said, ‘Mommy, this is what I do.’ And this is what she does every day — this is her life.”
A tear just rolled down my cheek. No really. I dropped my morning snack and reading this made me miss the five second rule. This woman is like a vulture when it comes to publicity. Anytime she can exploit her daughter for more exposure, she’ll do it. In about a year, she’ll leak some footage of Lindsay overdosing and start crying about what the tabloids did to her poor daughter.