I didn’t watch the 2007 MTV Movie Awards last night. Instead, I went to see Knocked Up which was pretty funny. Go watch it. From what I see, I didn’t miss much. There were no nipple slips or see-throughs. There was only Eva Mendes looking like Eva Mendes in a dress, Jessica Alba and Jessica Biel in stupid dresses, Rhianna with boobs and a bowl haircut and Megan Fox showing off her Shakespeare related tattoo which reads, “We will all laugh at gilded butterflies.” Who has Shakespeare tattooed on their back? Can you imagine Paris Hilton doing this? She would have one above her vagina that reads, “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”
“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”
The above quote is not Shakespeare. It’s Dante. From the Divine Comedy.
I know. I was saying if Paris were to quote an author then she’d quote Dante or the back of a Lucky Charms box. Dante seemed fitting.
“We will all laugh at gilded butterflies ” this quote is from King Lear Act 5, Scene 3