John Mayer is a teabagging funnyman

Last weekend at John Mayer’s concert, 63 people people were arrested for drug and alcohol related offenses. John Mayer expressed his shock on his blog asking what the 46 people arrested for underage drinking were thinking and informing them they have their whole lives to underage drink. Being the caring person that he is, Mayer threatened to teabag any drunken fans he may happen upon in the future.

In looking to the future, I hope that this will serve as a wake-up call to young fans who may be thinking about engaging in illegal activity at one of my concerts. If I happen to be walking backstage and I see any of you young men passed out drunk on a stretcher, make no mistake about it, you will come-to in front of your disappointed parents with a face full of Sharpie and the sneaking suspicion that you’ve been teabagged by one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of 2007.

I imagine having John Mayer’s balls dunked in your mouth isn’t as pleasant as it sounds. I could be wrong. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion I’m not.

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