A pregnant Christina Aguilera showed up at the launch of Rock the Vote 2008 looking like this. Words escape me. They had the right idea of running away first, asking questions later.
Wow. She’s gonna need a shovel to get all of that makeup off afterwards. X-tina, are you really SO ugly that you need 8 pounds of makeup to go out of the house? I doubt it. PLEASE, for the love of GOD, stop caking it on so thick. It makes you look 50 years old. (nothing wrong with 50 year olds, btw. it’s just that a 20-something year old person shouldn’t look 50)
16 years ago
she needs to lay off the tube-o-face-paint! I know the prices at Sams Club are irresitable, but c’mon! http://www.macfat.com
16 years ago
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ….I was going to defend her. until I saw a close up of the pic.well goodbye erections.the cunt in the backround is pretty repulsive to.I might consider letting her lick my ass as I shoot a load on christinas face.granted I would probably be looking at a picture of jennifer connley as I shot my load .,,,,snaggle tooth anyone wahahaha ….ehh..hey did she sell her old home already?
16 years ago
U mean ur just thinking this NOW??? She’s always been fug! you’ll have to scrape to get all that make up off!
Wow. She’s gonna need a shovel to get all of that makeup off afterwards. X-tina, are you really SO ugly that you need 8 pounds of makeup to go out of the house? I doubt it. PLEASE, for the love of GOD, stop caking it on so thick. It makes you look 50 years old. (nothing wrong with 50 year olds, btw. it’s just that a 20-something year old person shouldn’t look 50)
she needs to lay off the tube-o-face-paint! I know the prices at Sams Club are irresitable, but c’mon!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ….I was going to defend her. until I saw a close up of the pic.well goodbye erections.the cunt in the backround is pretty repulsive to.I might consider letting her lick my ass as I shoot a load on christinas face.granted I would probably be looking at a picture of jennifer connley as I shot my load .,,,,snaggle tooth anyone wahahaha ….ehh..hey did she sell her old home already?
U mean ur just thinking this NOW??? She’s always been fug! you’ll have to scrape to get all that make up off!
Lovely pictures. I love her music a lot. And girls on http://femmate.com bless her and her baby.