Earlier, it was reported that Britney was to stay at Cedars for a 72 hour evaluation because of her bipolar disorder getting out of control. Evidently, the hospital made the decision to release her before then because they no longer viewed her as a danger to herself or others. But before all that, supposedly, at the behest of the Spears family, Dr. Phil made an impromptu visit to Cedars-Sinai and made a 15 minute pitch to convince Britney Spears to be on his show as part of a TV intervention. Britney was not happy and walked out; making it clear she would never go on the show. She eventually came back in. TMZ spoke to eight psychiatrists who were all shocked Cedars would allow Dr. Phil to visit Britney without her knowledge or consent. Had TMZ spoken to me, the leading authority in awesome, I would have told them donuts are tasty. Britney who?
Dr. Phil eventually spoke to Entertainment Tonight to clear the air. Phil said,
“I want to set the record straight. I went to see Britney at the request of her family. I talked to Lynne, Jamie, and Brian, because they were frustrated that she wasn’t going to be held for a longer time. Thursday night, the phone rang, it was Lynne, clearly she was very upset. Any parent would be. I was first contacted by her family a year ago, and had maintained a running dialogue for the last year or so.”
Let me get this straight. Lynne Spears called a TV doctor to help fix her daughter. This is the same Lynne Spears who made her other teen daughter do an interview with OK! Magazine about her unplanned pregnancy. No, she’s not self-serving at all. She’s a fantastic, caring mother. With this kind of parenting, I wonder how Britney became so screwed up. She should have turned out to be a fine, upstanding role model for little girls. Instead, she’s a perpetually hungry, human cookie monster with a bipolar disorder who holds her kid hostage when she doesn’t get her way. Where did Lynne go wrong?