They should have done this a long time ago

One of China’s biggest cinema chains is boycotting all of Sharon Stone’s movies after the infamous interview in which she said the China earthquake that killed 70,000 people was karma for what the government is doing to the Tibetans. The UME Cineplex chain’s founder, Ng See-Yuen, said actors shouldn’t bring personal politics to natural disasters. “UME has branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, China’s biggest urban movie markets.”

This is a win-win for China. Sharon Stone’s movies suck. The last great movie she was in was Casino and she didn’t even do anything. Just get banged by Joe Pesci which was really awkward. The only reason she became famous was because she flashed her vagina on film. Oh, what talent!

According to IMDB, Sharon has four upcoming releases. Five Dollars a Day in 2008 with Christopher Walken, Streets of Blood in 2009 with Val Kilmer, My Own Love Song in 2009 with Forrest Whitaker and Dirty Tricks in 2010 with Brad Pitt.

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