If you saw Eva Amurri take her clothes off on Californication and liked it, you can thank Susan Sarandon, her mom, for that. Eva said she wasn’t sure at first, but her mom encouraged her, telling Eva to show her breasts while she was still young. Susan said:
“I’ve seen bits and pieces of some of the nudity and she looks beautiful – if you have it, why not?”
“She plays a woman who, as far as I can tell, is really in charge of her life and is not a victim. So it sounded to me like it would be a blast.
“I think if she were playing something that was going to be really hard for her psychologically or damaging, I’d be more concerned, but she had a really good time with the sex thing.”
If Susan also told Eva to date the handsome celebrity blogger who runs The Blemish, she might make it to the top of my list of “Best Mothers Ever”. Even beating out my own mother who gave birth to me.
Boobs start here.
I’D like to have a good time with her sex thing also.
As long as she is over 18…. meh? If I was an actress and my mom was a famous actress, I’m guessing she would be preparing me for the future, which would probably be full of sex scenes. I don’t think this is all that appalling… unless she’s only 17 or something. That said, I have never seen this girl in my life, is she actually famous? Anybody can be famous these days.
Gag. Sarandon is a real piece of work as a mother. No way would I encourage a daughter to do that. I know men’s minds…
So Sarandon is a bad mom for encouraging her daughter to be proud of her body? To not be ashamed of nudity? This isn’t about men’s minds, this is about being comfortable with your body and your sexuality. Eva is an actress, not a slut. Good for Susan!
I love Eva! She is HILARIOUS in Saved! Totally stole the show from Jena Malone and Mandy Moore
lol. That’s the episode where Duchovny gives her anal and makes her blow him right after.
Not exactly classy or hygenic.
Although she is a sexy, beautiful girl, not all nudity is art.
Sometimes nudity is just plain butt-naked.
To try and make it anything more is just absurd.