OK! Magazine has offered Lindsay Lohan $1 million for her first post-jail interview. In addition to appearance fees ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 in LA and New York and half a million in fees for Las Vegas appearances after she leaves rehab, Lindsay will turn out to be slightly less broke when this whole mess is over.
That money will probably be gone in 6 months time. A baby could handle money better than Lindsay Lohan. At least with a baby there’s a chance it’ll point and giggle at something cool it wants which might appreciate in value. With Lindsay, she’ll snort every last cent.
I hereby vow to copy, paste, email, and torrent that interview to every venue possible. F**k that drunken junkie and her pretend rehab, and f**k the magazine that pays her. No one should have to pay to read that s**t.
Wherrrrd! She’s a trash heap. Looks stinky.
It will go up her nose or down her throat. I don’t purchase anything with this twits picture on the cover.
1 Million to tell us lies. No thank you.
damn, wonder what she’d spend it on…