In addition to cutting and anger issues, Demi Lovato is also a coke fiend. Brian Payne tells Life & Style that Demi partied so hard and kept it out of the press so well that even Lindsay Lohan would ask her for pointers.
“She was doing line after line like a pro – and she was 17 at the time,” Texas college student Brian Payne told Life & Style magazine, on newsstands Wednesday. Demi’s been on a tear lately. She’ll chug booze straight from the bottle,” an unnamed source close to Lovato told the glossy. I just remember her doing it [cocaine] as if she had been doing it for a long time,” Payne said. “It didn’t seem like something new to her.”
Payne said he and the “Sunny With A Chance” star partied all night at the North Richmond Hills, Tex., house of a friend following a concert in Dallas. He said Lovato ended up getting cozy with their host, a friend named Dave who was later killed in a water sport accident. Friends told the magazine the untimely death and her breakup with Joe Jonas, 21, left Lovato heartbroken and fueled her heavy drinking.
Obvious report is obvious. According to the Disney bylaws, you have to snort at least a 12 inch line of blow as a rite of passage. Presumably because coked out teens are much easier to work with. According to studies commissioned by Walt Disney. It’s science.