Kelly Osbourne broke up with her pale, blond boyfriend Luke Worrall back in July. He allegedly cheated on her.
Late Monday, Kelly went on a Twitter rant about her ex. The tweets have since been deleted but the internet never forgets.
– @Luke_worrall is the biggest piece of s**t he has been trying to get back w/ me I only came home for Xmas to see him mean while he has been
– Fucking 100’s of girls as we as men behind my back all he did was use me all girls beware of @Luke_worral he is a using Cunt!
– He used me for my money and a free ride he is lucky I am not spilling the hole truth about what he did!
– He is the worst thing that ever happened to me I don’t give a f**k what happens to him anymore
– Iam and always will be 2 good 4 @luke_worrall darling ur pretty face will only get you so far because u don’t have the brains to back it up
– Dont think I have ever felt so stupid he made a fool of me going to be off Twitter for a while never felt heart brake like this in my life
Luke @MissKellyO’d, “lies on twitter awesome.”
Wait. Back up a second. 100′ s of girls? Really? No way. The guy looks like he hasn’t seen the light of day in centuries. Is his pick-up line, “Hey, smell this rag dipped in chloroform”?