Jessica Alba Was Persecuted By Hollywood

In an interview with Latina magazine, Jessica Alba talks about her second baby, showing off her pregnant belly and the insecurities she had as a kid. She also talked about her breakout role in Dark Angel and how a lot of people in Hollywood glossed over her based on her racially ambiguous look. Huh?

“I certainly knew the significance of Dark Angel because I knew how difficult it was just to get to that point. A lot of people didn’t even give me a chance based on how racially ambiguous I looked.”

I just don’t see a casting director sitting on his couch and telling Jessica Alba that she wasn’t good for this part because no one could figure out if she was Mexican, Puerto Rican or a really tan white girl. His raging erection would have clearly undermined his argument.

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Herman Bumfudle
Herman Bumfudle
12 years ago

racially ambiguous? that’s not it. jessica, you are stunningly beautiful on many different levels. the problem is that some people can’t figure out how to make you do what they want you to do. but then functionally insane people don’t like me either, and i am seriously so thankful for missing out on that problem, and they’ve got a million of em.

12 years ago

I don’t think it that you are racially ambiguous.  It was probably because you have the personality of a wet mop!!

12 years ago

Why is Latina magazine in English?

12 years ago

Maybe it because she endorse Obama and his War.

Not everyone is a Liberal who will see her actions as positive.

12 years ago

Or it could be because you’re an actress who can’t act.  Just a thought.

12 years ago

Shut up, hypocritical talentless bitch! U complained ur daughter’s skin is not “dark enough”, what a fucking shame!