Johnny Depp to Make Even More Money Off of ‘Pirates’

Johnny Depp made $350 million off of the entire Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Naturally, he’s close to signing a deal to reprise his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in a fifth installment. Jerry Bruckheimer is currently working on the script which I take it means he’s tenting his fingers and exclaiming “egggcellent” while watching his team of trained monkeys type away.

Another individual close to the franchise said that a rough draft for the script was in, and that producer Bruckheimer and others were meeting intensively – three and four times a week – on improving it. A deal will depend on whether Depp likes the script, but this individual said the broad strokes were in place for a deal with the lead actor. [The Wrap]

Do you think Johnny Depp asks to be paid in singles for the $350 million and then throws it all in his pool and swims in it? Because that’s what I’d do. But I’d make sure to swim in it while my gardener skims the leaves. Like Michael Bay always says, what fun is being insanely rich if you can’t be a big asshole about it?

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