Everyone Is Out to Get Lindsay

Lindsay Lohan has been going around telling friends that she was unfairly kicked out of the Downtown Women’s Center she volunteers at. Because for what other reason would they boot her except unfairly?

Lindsay says she did everything by the book while performing her court-mandated community service and never showed up late. Au contraire, my fairy.

TMZ broke the story … the people in the Probation Dept. responsible for overseeing Lindsay’s probation decided Lindsay could not go back to the Women’s Center, because she repeatedly didn’t show up, and when she did she would bail after an hour — a violation of the judge’s order that she serve 4 hours at a time. TMZ

Clearly they’re out to get Lindsay. She doesn’t seem like the type to blow off court-mandated community service and, instead, fly to Paris to party and model for a designer she’s not dating or fly to Manhattan to make out with a hotel owner in order to get into a party.

She’s now working at the American Red Cross, a place which she says the workers understand her. That is until she gets unfairly kicked out for never showing up and never working the required hours.

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13 years ago

Well, the good thing is that now she’s working at the Red Cross, they’ll NEVER ask her to donate blood.