As part of The Blemish’s 24/7 Lindsay Lohan news coverage, we’d like to report that Lindsay Lohan has found her missing purse. *Twirls finger in air*
I’m not sure how you can have a vacation from a vacation, but Lindsay is currently on one in Hawaii. Her probation officer signed off on it as he was impressed by how ahead of schedule she was for her morgue duty. Lindsay wanted to relax before the publicity of her Playboy spread hit. Someone’s got jokes!
Anyway, she managed to lose her purse at a party. A $5,000 Chanel purse which had her passport, probation docs and $10,000 in cash. Not to worry though. Her purse was eventually returned to her by a suspicious-looking local who said he found it in the street. Lindsay was so happy that she didn’t even ask about the missing $10,000.
Let that sink in. $10,000 was missing and Lindsay didn’t question it. It must be nice to be rich. If even $20 was missing from my wallet, I’d strap the guy who returned it to a chair and push bamboo splints under their fingernails until they told me where it was. I refuse to believe she didn’t care about that 10 grand. Lindsay does know how much coke that could buy, right? I feel as if people aren’t explaining this to her in terms she can understand.
Who the hell caries 10K in their purse? What an idiot. Don’t they have ATM’s in Hawaii?
Knowing Lindsay, she was probably confused about the exchange rate in Hawaii
She can make that up in 2 tricks. As long as she can bang rich people dumb as her.
And apparently her drug connection as well!
Who the hell caries 10K in their purse? What an idiot. Don’t they have ATM’s in Hawaii?