Lindsay Lohan Late for ‘Glee’ Guest Appearance

I linked to this story in the linkouts but felt that more people needed to see how Lindsay Lohan hasn’t changed at all. A few days ago Glee’s Chris Colfer sort of raved to Celebuzz about Lindsay’s guest appearance on Glee. Everything seemed to be going great. That is until today.

Reports are surfacing that Lindsay was three hours late for her second day on the Glee set after a night of partying. She was so late production had to send a car to the Chateau Marmont to pick her up and bring her there. Currently, there is no other job in the world that would send a car to your house to pick you up if you were late for work so in a way they’re simply enabling Lindsay.

“Lindsay was a total nightmare yesterday,” says one (clearly less than thrilled) source on the Glee set. “She was three hours late in the morning, and when she did finally arrive, she just didn’t want to be there. She did not want to work. She had not memorized her lines, and she kept disappearing so no one could find her.” E!

Lindsay has even earned the nickname “That Girl” which has resulted in a few staffers becoming “less than thrilled” by how she’s acting. “She has rubbed them all up the wrong way by being so disrespectful of everyone else’s schedule.” Granted, this should have been expected when they were told Lindsay was making a guest appearance. Even so, Lindsay isn’t even playing a character on the show. She’s playing herself. The least she could do was memorize a few lines. I bet it wasn’t even a line. I bet they just told her to say “yes” and she spent the next 15 minutes saying “no” because “she didn’t feel the energy,” all the while the crew had to remind her this was Glee which isn’t a reality show like American Idol.

Of course, Lindsay’s ever optimistic rep Steve Honig denies the story saying her tardiness was the result of a “misunderstanding about her call time.”

“The production team came to us and said that they wanted to start [with Lindsay] right after lunch, which was at 2. They wanted to begin with Lindsay at 3, so that meant she had a lot of time where she wasn’t doing anything. That’s why people didn’t see her. She was then in hair and makeup and began after lunch at 3.”

“If there was a problem yesterday, I would have just said ‘no comment,’ however I can’t ignore this because this is utter B.S. This is a classic example of people trying to bash Lindsay. She busted her ass yesterday and is back on set again today.”

Simply put, if you ever get tired of making excuses for yourself, just hire Lindsay’s rep. He’s already got a list of about 200 for you to use.

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Herman Bumfudle
12 years ago

could it be that lindsay is a loving and kind girl, and that you guys are a bunch of shitheads who don’t understand love or kindness. life is so easy when you buy it. morons!

Tim Coffey
Tim Coffey
12 years ago
