Lady Gaga Got a Tattoo on Her Neck During Perfume Launch

Lady Gaga arrived at the Guggenheim Museum in New York yesterday for the launch party of her new black perfume Fame. To celebrate, she got a tattoo on the back of her neck below her newly shaven head in front of everyone in attendance. Though that wasn’t the weirdest part of the night.

nestled inside a giant replica of her Fame perfume bottle, Gaga lay napping as a videocamera livestreamed her slumber on a massive screen. Then, one by one, party guests were given a turn to ascend to the bottle, stick their hands through a small peep hole and caress Lady Gaga’s hand while she “slept.” The title of this performance art piece? “Sleeping With Gaga.”

The only way the night could get creepier is if instead of caressing her hand, she had you look through the peephole to watch as someone tattooed her butthole.

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