Lindsay Lohan’s People Wanted Intervention, Michael Lohan Wants Conservatorship

According to emails from Lindsay Lohan’s manager, her entertainment lawyer and her criminal defense lawyer sent between September 23rd and October 18th, a day before Michael Lohan staged his own intervention, her entire team was on board with an emergency intervention.

Michael emailed her people claiming Lindsay was “drinking between a bottle and a bottle and half of vodka per day” and that “I have seen the empty bottles and even cocaine in her room at Chateau.” He adds that sh’es taking pills to stay awake and to sleep and that she drinks while working.

Lindsay’s people emailed back that they’d been hearing the same things and made a plan to have a conference call with a interventionist named Earl Hightower.

However, this wasn’t a well thought out plan because it unfolded as soon as they decided Michael would be the first to confront her. It was probably not the best idea to have the guy who sold a tape of their family’s private conversation to TMZ to be the first one to make contact.

Since that didn’t work, Michael is trying to Britney Spears his daughter by going to court and asking for a conservatorship. Another excellent plan because the courts love awarding control of someone to their opportunistic abusive father with a history of insider trading.

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