Lindsay Lohan looked pretty beat on NYE but last night she stepped out to Nozomi restaurant in London looking surprisingly fresh faced. She almost looked like a brand new person.
Surprising what getting paid $100,000 for a NYE date with Brunei’s Prince Haji Abdul Azim can do for a girl.
“Prince Azim not only flew her out; he put her up in a beautiful suite in the Dorchester for the weekend and following the party. Her mom, Dina, is also in London with her at the hotel and attended the party,” says the source.
The insider tells us the 30-year-old, celebrity-obsessed prince also paid Lionel Ritchie a whopping $250,000 to come sing for him and Pamela Anderson, a favorite, to come show herself off for $75,000 at the crazy bash, which he holds annually in the 10,300-square-foot ballroom at the five-star Dorchester in Mayfair. Azim’s sister, the gorgeous Princess Fadzilah, also buddied up to Lohan at the party.
“He rents the ballroom and does this for his amusement,” says our source. “He rents the ballroom and pays stars to show up. Lindsay went because she’s that desperate for a paycheck.”
You think that’s fun? Try getting Lindsay into a tight dress, smearing the floor with butter and making it rain $1,000 in front of her if you want a solid hour of entertainment.
$100,000 just to show up at a party? I can’t believe I’m typing this but this is possibly the most sensible decision I’ve ever seen Lohan make because here in the real world a person isn’t called “desperate” when they accept what is basically free money just to show up at a party. Am I the only one who thinks that the prince sounds like the desperate one?