Kate Upton Is Pissed at Victoria’s Secret

Last year, a model booker for Victoria’s Secret told the New York Times that they would never put Kate Upton in their catalog. They explained in not so kind words,

“We would never use Kate . . . She’s like a footballer’s wife, with the too-blond hair and that kind of face that anyone with enough money can go out and buy.”

Fast forward to the other day when Victoria’s Secret used photos of Kate from a 2011 shoot for the back cover of their new lingerie catalog. These are confusing times we live in.

A source says VS didn’t give Kate a heads up that they were using the pictures. Add to the fact that they basically trashed her a few years ago and you can see why Kate would be a little pissed. She shouldn’t be though. I would take that catalog and shove it in that booker’s face. Then take a dump on his lawn.

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