Justin Bieber Says It Wasn’t a Hooker

That video which was allegedly taken by a hooker while Justin Bieber was sleeping? Not a hooker. At least according to Justin’s people. The girl has been identified as Tati Neves. “Hooker” is not listed as her occupation on her Facebook page. She does, however, have very large breasts.

A “source” tells TMZ that Justin rented a house outside of Rio to crash after his concert. He threw an after-party inviting 50 people and at some point, Justin Bieber passed out on the couch and one of the girls shot video of him sleeping.

Bieber tells friends that he’s creeped out and disappointed that he has to defend against false hooker claims.

Yea, don’t you hate when people jump to conclusions? You sneak out of one brothel with a few prostitutes and all of a sudden it’s like you sleep with hookers.

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