Kim Kardashian Posts Heartfelt Letter Following the Deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling

Many celebrities have come under fire for their tone deaf responses to #BlackLivesMatter or their total silence. Many people have been waiting for Kim Kardashian, who is married to Kanye West, one of the most famous black men on the planet, and has black children, to use her fame and influence to help the community for years. In a recent post on her website, she finally did something.

This week we watched Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two innocent black men, get senselessly murdered by police officers. Like a lot of you guys, I watched the videos, and was appalled and completely heartbroken. I was left speechless, angry and numb.

Considering the widely circulated videos were playing on the news 24/7, there’s been a lot of heavy emotions swirling around over the past week.

I do not ever want to have to teach my son to be scared of the police, or tell him that he has to watch his back because the people we are told to trust—the people who “protect and serve”—may not be protecting and serving him because of the color of his skin.

This country is such a racist disaster. In other countries the police don’t even have guns.

We must peacefully use the power of our voices and the strength of our numbers to demand changes in the judicial system so that brutality doesn’t ever go unpunished.

Kim also included some important links to where you can donate to the victims’ families and find your legislator. I’ll include them too.

Hashtags are not enough. This must end now.

Click here to find your legislator.

Donate to Philando Castile’s family here.

Donate to Alton Sterling’s family here.


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8 years ago

*Tub fart