$100,000 a Month Not Enough to Put Up With Justin Bieber, Say Beverly Hills Landlords

Justin Bieber wants to live in Beverly Hills, but no one will rent him a home because he’s a giant douchebag who destroys rental properties and is a nightmare to live by. Bieber has a history of things like wild parties that result in the cops being called, egging his neighbor’s houses, and signing the guestbook of the Anne Frank House with “Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.” Okay, that last one wouldn’t affect property values, it’s just more proof that he’s an insufferable douche.

Page Six is reporting that Bieber’s douchebaggedness has caught up with him and the rental owners of Beverly Hills have all come together and agreed to freeze Bieber out of the rental market.

A Hollywood real estate source exclusively told Page Six, “Justin wants to rent a big estate, but many of the owners of the big Beverly Hills properties, which are for rent, have clubbed together to agree that nobody should rent to Justin.

“You would think that they would want the cachet of having him at their homes — and Justin is offering $100,000 a month for places that aren’t anywhere near worth that. But he and his entourage have a reputation of trashing his rental homes and then being difficult where it comes to paying for the repairs.

“So instead he’s become a resident at a hotel, where the well-heeled guests have been doing double takes seeing him at breakfast on his own with his tattoos and baggy pants.”

So Justin Bieber is living in an upscale hotel now. That kind of sounds like the plot of a sitcom. “The guests at L’hotel think it’s the most exclusive residence in Beverly Hills, but wait until they meet their new neighbor, a douchey Canadian singer who skateboards around like it’s 1996.” That skateboard thing isn’t even made up.

Meanwhile, back at his Beverly Hills hotel, other guests have been stunned to see the singer skateboarding out of the property.

Who does that? Call an Uber, you tool.

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