Eminem Loves Grindr, Tinder, and Cock Rings, Hates Donald Trump

When you’ve literally murdered your wife in your music, it’s pretty tough to find a girlfriend after that.

Thankfully for Eminem, there is Tinder. And, Grindr? Yup, Grindr. In a new interview with Vulture, the famed rapper admitted to using both dating apps to find a girlfriend and, I guess, boyfriend.

Do you date?
It’s tough. Since my divorce I’ve had a few dates and nothing’s panned out in a way that I wanted to make it public. Dating’s just not where I’m at lately.

When you were dating, how’d you meet people? Tinder?
I mean, yeah.

Are you being serious?
Yeah, Tinder.

[Laughs] And Grindr. I also used to go to strip clubs.

Tinder, Grindr, and strip clubs. How did this man not find a serious significant other through those mediums?

It’s not all that surprising that Eminem has used Tinder. Alexandra Daddario and Hilary Duff both admitted to using the app as well.

The interview is mainly about Eminem’s new album, Revival, but he talks about other subjects as well. Including, Donald Trump. And boy, does Eminem really hate Donald Trump. Just read these quotes.

He makes my blood boil. I can’t even watch the news anymore because it makes me too stressed out. All jokes aside, all punch lines aside, I’m trying to get a message out there about him. I want our country to be great too, I want it to be the best it can be, but it’s not going to be that with him in charge.

What he’s doing putting people against each other is scary fucking s**t. His election was such a disappointment to me about the state of the country.

I get almost flustered thinking about him — that’s how angry he makes me. The people that support him are the people he cares about the least and they don’t even realize it. At what point do you — a working-class citizen, someone who’s trying to make s**t better for you and your family — think this guy who’s never known struggle his entire fucking life, who avoided the military because of bone spurs, who says he’s a billionaire, is really looking out for you? He’s got people brainwashed.

I hope he gets impeached. I’d be there for that.

I just feel mad that Trump’s sold people a dream that’s never coming true.

He’s made the racists come out. He’s made it acceptable for the white man to feel oppressed. I’m just calling bullshit bullshit: I actually don’t know if I can see why people who relate to me feel like they can relate to him. This is a guy who was born rich, who says he got a small loan from his father of a million dollars.

Anyone who’s followed my music knows I’m against bullies — that’s why I hate that fucking bully Trump — and I hate the idea that a kid who’s gay might get s**t for it.

The passion is still there but the rage mostly isn’t. Unless we’re talking about Trump.

Eminem dedicated an entire song to Trump on Revival and if he’s in office for another three years, we can probably expect more.

He also talked about that diamond-encrusted cock ring that he gave Elton John as a wedding gift.

Just out of curiosity, where does one get diamond-encrusted cock rings?
I don’t know, I put people on it and they made it happen. Actually, I had some diamond-encrusted cock rings, too. Right in my bedroom.

You could’ve saved some money and sent him those.
And just left a note: “Please wash off before using.”

I’d swipe right.

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