Farrah Abraham and Professional Wrestling Is the Best Idea Ever

Farrah Abraham is taking her acting skills to the world of pro wrestling.

Yes, this is a real thing.

World Class Revolution made the announcement on their Facebook page:

World Class Revolution is very proud to announce we have come to terms with former MTV star and author Farrah Abraham.
“We couldn’t be happier to welcome Farrah into our family. Farrah brings a lot of creativity to the table and I can’t wait to see all of the amazing work we are going to do together as a team. Professional wrestling and our other avenues of business have enabled us to start becoming a multimedia company which has always been our goal. We’re starting to effectively combine pop culture with our wrestling product and we’re seeing great results thus far and we’re just getting started. I would like to personally thank both Farrah and her agent Ricarte for this opportunity to do business together.”
Jerry Bostic
World Class CEO

As bad as this sounds, it’s not like Farrah isn’t experienced in the carny business of wrestling. She tricked people into thinking she was dating porn star James Dean just to have a professional sex tape, which she negotiated the release of. She’s a seasoned pro.

Abraham’s role in WCR is unknown, but the bar is pretty low. On a scale of Kevin Federline to Ronda Rousey, if Farrah comes in at a Snooki, she’s doing pretty well for herself.

Farrah was recently fired from Teen Mom for doing a webcam show, which was so bad people demanded refunds.

A Twitter user claimed Abraham would be a future champ. WWE’s Paige didn’t seem to agree.

If David Arquette can win the second most prestigious title in wrestling at the time, Farrah can win some title in a company no one had heard of prior to this announcement.

As a big pro wrestling fan, I’m excited for this. An Amazon box eliminated Geoffrey the Toys R’ Us Giraffe during a battle royale over the weekend. Wrestling is stupid. Farrah Abraham being involved doesn’t change that.

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