Caitlyn Jenner is no longer the highest-profile trans celebrity; she’ll have to settle for the highest-profile trans celebrity who rear-ended an old lady into traffic. Elliot Page announced on his Instagram that he’s trans and no longer wishes to be known as Ellen. I say good for him, the name Ellen hasn’t exactly been getting a lot of good press lately anyway.
Page’s Instagram post is pretty moving, as he addresses the reality of being trans by saying “I also ask for patience. My joy is real, but it is also fragile. The truth is, despite feeling profoundly happy right now and knowing how much privilege I carry, I am also scared. I’m scared of invasiveness, the hate, the ‘jokes’ and of violence.”
He’s very right, trans actress Laverne Cox and a friend were recently attacked in Griffith Park in a transphobic incident. Elliot has overcome a lot in his career already: sexism, homophobia, transphobia, that forehead…
People were wondering what would happen to Page’s character Vanya Hargreeves on The Umbrella Academy, considering Vanya is a cis woman. Worry not, Variety reports that Page will continue to play the character who will remain a cis woman. If you’re worried about what a trans man’s performance as a cis woman will be like, I recommend watching the last two seasons of The Umbrella Academy, because I imagine it will be very similar to that.
Elliot Page has a rocky road ahead of him, but I’m sure he’s equipped to handle it and I’m glad that he’s living his truth now.
All the problems with human behaviour are the result of PTSD. How severe that trauma was , can be guaged by the lengths human will go to destroy the entity it happened to.